At FastDocNow, we provide online medication management services to make your life easier. Online medical care is available with trained professionals to get the prescription you need from your phone or computer without the judgment or the hassles of going into an actual doctor’s office. We offer reliable healthcare services in the comfort of your home.

We provide consultation for a wide variety of conditions online. Simply choose your health concern from a list of conditions, answer a few quick questions, and a healthcare provider will review your case and give you a prescription from the pharmacy of your choice. Using our online medication management services, you no longer have to worry about waiting at the doctor’s office.

Using our reliable healthcare services, you can rest assured that you’re properly taken care of and get your prescriptions refilled quickly and easily.

What We Treat

All conditions rates start at $39. No insurance is required.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is a condition that occurs from consistently elevated, excessive feelings of anxiety, and fear, which are not suited to or appropriate for a given scenario, with both psychological and physiological symptoms, including heart palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, and headaches.

Schedule an online appointment, and consult our medical professionals to seek the support and help you require for your panic disorder.



Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) – Men

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a fairly common condition which occurs due to bacteria found in the urethra, making its way to the bladder. It’s often termed as a bladder infection or known as cystitis and tends to affect women more than men, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible.

However, we are unable to treat patients who have more serious, severe symptoms, such as fever, excruciating pain, vomiting, and other indications of a rapidly progressing infection. Patients with preexisting kidney problems or bladder conditions will require more specialized care and treatment or opt for urgent care clinics and hospitals.


Insomnia refers to a sleep disorder that’s marked by difficulty sleeping. The disorder can either occur as a primary condition or as a symptom of another issue. Insomnia can disrupt peoples’ lives due to inadequate rest and recovery. If you’re suffering from insomnia, our healthcare providers can help you allay the condition.

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