At FastDocNow, we provide online medication management services to make your life easier. Online medical care is available with trained professionals to get the prescription you need from your phone or computer without the judgment or the hassles of going into an actual doctor’s office. We offer reliable healthcare services in the comfort of your home.

We provide consultation for a wide variety of conditions online. Simply choose your health concern from a list of conditions, answer a few quick questions, and a healthcare provider will review your case and give you a prescription from the pharmacy of your choice. Using our online medication management services, you no longer have to worry about waiting at the doctor’s office.

Using our reliable healthcare services, you can rest assured that you’re properly taken care of and get your prescriptions refilled quickly and easily.

What We Treat

All conditions rates start at $39. No insurance is required.


Cold sores (fever blisters or Herpes Simplex Labialis are some other names for them) refer to sets of small, painful blisters around the mouth caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. Cold sores are uncomfortable and painful. The earlier a person gets treatment for them, the quicker they heal and the less discomfort they experience. If you have cold sores, contact us, and we’ll recommend a treatment plan.


Virtual Medical Consultation for Trichomonas

Trichomoniasis vaginalis is a sexually transmitted parasitic infection caused by the protozoan known as trichomonas vaginalis. As one of the most common STIs in the United States, it affects men and women differently. With women symptoms including yellow, bloody, frothy abnormal vaginal, vaginal itching, pain in the lower abdomen, and during sexual intercourse. On the other hand, men tend to be asymptomatic but some may present with penile itching.

While testing is not a prerequisite to treatment, it is recommended that patients get tested in order to check for the effectiveness of the treatment. We ensure confidentiality for all our consultation and treatment services.

General Anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a type of condition that is categorized as both a mood disorder and a mental disorder. It results in high levels of anxiety, which manifest as worry and fear that are not appropriate. There are common symptoms and signs of anxiety such as hyper-alertness, trouble concentrating, or having a tough time recalling specific details. Other symptoms that tend to be disruptive include sleep problems, and rapid shifts in mood, or general irritability.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Seek a consultation online with experienced medical professionals and mental health experts.



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